Modern Physics Book By Murugesan
Modern Physics Book By Murugesan

Modern Physics Book By Murugesan

To Swamiji, I owe more than words can describe for his lifelong devotion and guidance in unfolding my hidden potentialities and developing my personality. I wish to dedicate this book at the holy feet of Srimad Swami Chidbavanandaji, President of our college. Principal, of our College for their encouragement and help. Victoria College, Palghat, Kerala, who contributed to my education in Modern Physics. Padmanabha Sharma M.Sc., and others of Govt. I acknowledge gratefully my indebtedness to the authors and publishers of different books on the subject. All available standard books on the subject have been freely consulted during the preparation of this book. A large number of questions and problems have been given at the end of each chapter. Great care has been taken in dealing with the subject with modern outlook.

Modern Physics Book By Murugesan Modern Physics Book By Murugesan

SI system of units has been used throughout the text. It is meant to serve as a textbook for the B.Sc. AUTHORS Preface to the First Edition The purpose of this book is to give an introductory account of the basic principles of atomic, nuclear and solid state physics. Any errors, omissions and suggestions, for the improvement of this volume brought to our notice, will be thankfully acknowledged and incorporated in the next edition. Modern physics by R Murugesan, S Chand Co.Ĭ2800nm-adventerprisek9 Ivs-mz 150-1 M Bin. Check our section of free e-books and guides on Modern Physics now! This page contains list of freely. For all help and support in the publication of this book. We are thankful to the Management Team and the Editorial Department of S. Multicolour pictures have been added to enhance the content value and to give the students an idea of what they will be dealing in reality, and to bridge the gap between the theory and practice. Preface to the Seventeenth Edition The present Multicolour Edition has been Revised by taking into account the 2010 Question Papers of various Indian Universities.

Modern Physics Book By Murugesan